Each and every detail in these bags is precisely printed to ensure a flawless look. Buy blue horse animal theme bags from our online shopping portal swayamindia.com and keep yourself updated. You will never have to feel old and outdated as these swayam bags are designed according to the leading trend. Make your shopping more exciting with these beautiful bags on your grip.
These animal print bags will be your savior when you don’t have a good dress to wear. The excellent horse designed with abstract prints will certainly enhance your style. Moreover, the shades of blue will take control of your beauty and give you a magnificent appearance. The beautiful colors will completely change your perspective towards bags. With perfect shape and fine stitching, these bags will offer you a flawless look.
Made using superior quality faux silk which makes them smooth and leave a glossy appearance. These excellent animal print bags will make your dreams come true in style as well as convenience. They have a huge capacity and can bear huge weights as they fabric is firmly woven and stitched. You can even put liquids materials and beverage bottles n these bags as they are waterproof. Buy blue horse animal theme bags from our online shopping portal swayamindia.com and make your day special. You can take these bags anywhere you go as they are lightweight and flexible. You can fold them and keep it inside your purse when you don’t require.
They will not cause any stress or rashes on your hands or shoulders as the straps are soft and skin friendly. You will have a thing in which you can carry your belongings safe and conveniently. Buy blue horse animal theme bags from our online shopping portal swayamindia.com and enjoy a day out. When it comes to cleaning, these bags do not need much effort as they are washable in a machine. You can wash then in a machine using cold water and mild detergents.
To ensure quality products on delivery, we check the finishing of every product. In any case, if you receive defective products, we will offer you full buy back guarantee.
Digital Printed |
Machine Wash, Don’t Soak, Cold Wash, Dry in Shade |
Description | Size | Price |
Animal Theme Bag | 38 cm x 34 cm x 25cm(16 inches X 14 inches x 10 inches) | Rs. 899/- |