You will certainly look fabulous when you carry these bags with scarves. Yes, these bags are offered with coordinated scarves to help you form a match with your outfit. Buy river scene scarf bags from our online shopping portal and go out with your friends.
The designs printed are very realistic and resemble the river in Venice. You will feel confident and stylish when you walk down the road carrying these beautiful bags. These bags are very attractive and can be carried to college shopping or when you are attending. You will look fabulous in any kind of out outfit as they have a light color to merge with any kind of outfit. The blissful scene of the river surrounded by buildings imparts an alluring appearance. Onlooker will never miss a glimpse of you when you are carrying this bag with scarves.
The bags are made using superior grade dupion faux silk for strength and smooth surface. Due to their smooth surface, you can carry them without any discomfort. The straps are also smooth and soft to the skin which will keep your shoulders free from rashes and skin irritation. Buyriver scene scarf bags from our online shopping portal and make your outing fascinating. They are firmly stitched and woven with extreme intricacy therefore capable of holding huge loads. Moreover, they are spacious where you can carry a lot of thing from make-up to food items. The scarf available with this bag is also made from high quality material called chiffon. They are smooth to touch and ideal for wearing during summers to cover the face and neck.
The bags have perfect in size and dimensions which you can carry everywhere you go. These bags can be cleaned with damp cloth and you can wash the scarf in cold water. You can go through our website for more information on wash care instructions. Buy river scene scarf bags from our online shopping portal and step out in style. You can place your order and make your payments on delivery. If you receive any defective product, we will offer your full buy back. If you are dissatisfied with the products received, you can return them within 30 days of purchase.
Digitally Printed |
Faux Silk - Bag & Chiffon - Scarf |
Description | Size | Price |
Scarf Bags | Bags - 30 cm x 40 cm(12 inches X 16 inches) Scarfs - 111 cm x 150 cm(44 inches X 60 inches) |
Rs. 1,999/- |